Juliana Gamble

by Sarah Judson January 23, 2012

Juliana Gamble is an urban planner, and some of those analytical skills help when she turns 3-D reality into a two-dimensional painting. We know that we need to look for the basic shapes when we begin a composition, but it's also true that they can make up most of the painting, allowing room for the viewer's imagination to engage. Sometimes details would only interfere. "I fell in love with painting immediately. Not because it was easy. Indeed, I soon realized that the quality of my creations did not drive my efforts. It was the very act of painting, its insistence to teach me new ways to see the world, that caught my imagination. Practice sharpened my sense of sight. It made yellows, pinks and green more vibrant and interesting. The simple sight of laundry dancing in the sun was suddenly arresting. It made every day more beautiful and luminous. "It is only natural that my interest in painting has never strayed from an intense interest in portraying color and light. I work almost exclusively from observation- in which there is a whole world to learn from. I paint with oils because I enjoy the intensity of color in the medium, as well as freedom to correct mistakes. Finally, I focus on simplicity of form – often trying to reduce an object to just a few notes – an abstraction, but one that is true to the source." Juliana uses oil on archival paper and Cartón Board as well as canvas.

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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