Doug Erion

by Sarah Judson December 08, 2014

erion wintermorning277Living in Loveland, Colorado, Doug Erion began painting in 1988 and is part of a well-known group of Colorado artists committed to the figurative tradition. erion bluestrides274 For Doug, it's not just shapes and colors he paints, but the relationships they form when they join together. It's not just the subject he depicts, but how he sees that subject. And it's not just captured, but rather portrayed so that the viewer can understand the subtle intricacies that the casual observer often misses. erion moonset281 His most recent project is a monumental public sculpture, Equinox, created with sculptor Jack Kreutzer and structural engineer Doug Rutledge, which stands at the interchange of I-25 and Highway 34 near Loveland. erion equinoxThe horses are inspired by the ledger drawings of Arapaho and Southern Cheyenne Indian artists, native Colorado tribes in the 19th Century.

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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