Casey Klahn, Colorist

by Sarah Judson November 04, 2014

klahn relief at the atlantic 5.25x8Pastelist and instructor Casey Klahn paints from life, but not to make a record of the scene. He is interested in expressing the beauty, structure, depth and authenticity of nature. klahn Was this where "We live in a day when I have at my disposal more art tools, more color, more intensity than ever in history. And when I go to nature, I get something new and fresh, every time." He will be offering several workshops next year, one of them in Umbria, Italy. klahn riva sole reviso 8x9.75 He also provides some instructive videos and a list of posts on the elements of art, generously illustrated...including a clip of Johnny Cash on the page entitled Line.

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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