Robert Genn, Canadian Artist & Author

by Sarah Judson December 10, 2012

Canadian painter, author and instructor Robert Genn was strongly influenced by the Group of Seven. He is well-known for his Canadian landscapes, but has also traveled widely in the U.S., Europe, Central America and Asia. In 1995, he walked the Robert Louis Stevenson Trail in central France, a journey of over 100 miles, painting the same scenes that Stevenson had portrayed in 1878. On another journey requiring six separate trips, Genn retraced the steps of Henry Bartlett, an English adventurer,artist and topographer, who travelled from Halifax to Niagara Falls via the St. Lawrence River 1839, painting and sketching en route. So where does he get time to do all the writing? He runs the website The Painter's Keys, which includes his twice-a-week newsletter (along with comments from artists) and has written two books which are now collector's items (Love Letters to Art and In Praise of Painting) along with a shorter book, The Dreamway, which is available on the Painter's Keys website. There is a video of him painting an old farm house, along with his thoughtful comments.

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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