Jimmy Longacre

by Sarah Judson October 13, 2014

longacre We enjoyed a conversation recently with Jimmy Longacre, who won one of our awards at the Kerrville Outdoor Painters Event in the historic town of Kerrville, Texas. Below is the winning painting, entitled Hill Country Pride, 11x14 oil on canvas. longacre HillCountryPride_post His blog includes not just recent paintings, but also thoughts about the plein air process. There is a step-by-step demo of the 16x20 painting On a Broken Ledge (top), from small value sketch and color scheme through the finishing touches. There is also a list of other helpful blogs. longacre TheFoolOnTheHill_post He describes his style as "subjective realist," a mix of noticing what's there and composing a poetic passage.

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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