Scott Gellatly
by Sarah Judson
September 02, 2013

Artist, instructor and color connoisseur
Scott Gellatly is the Product Manager for Gamblin Artists Colors in Portland, Oregon. He consults with and gives presentations to oil painters worldwide on technical issues and is involved in developing and testing all of Gamblin oil colors and mediums. Here at Guerrilla Painter, we've enjoyed meeting him, and Carl says
"Aside from jocular repartee when our paths cross on the commercial circuit, it's always a pleasure to see Scott. He is not only a first rate landscape painter but an expert on oil painting materials."
He has an instruction video available on than explores three different palettes: the Classical, based on value; the Impressionist, based on hue; and the 20th Century, based on chroma.

Landscape painting is the perfect vehicle for my creative pursuits. It marries my love of nature with an immediate, responsive approach to painting. It can, at times, be a welcome solitary act – and at other times, an opportunity for camaraderie with fellow painters."

In addition to color mixing, mediums and pigments, he is also an expert on supports, sizing and grounds, creating permanent paintings, studio safety and contemporary varnishes.
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Sarah Judson