Robert Beck

by Sarah Judson May 31, 2013

Award-winning New Jersey artist and instructor Robert Beck has also played the role of curator, lecturer, radio host, board member and columnist. He is known for representational paintings unrestricted by subject matter or genre, and for painting live events in unusual or difficult environments. Shown above is a 16"x16" painting entitled Dining Room at the National Arts Club. His website lists twenty categories of paintings, each one with several (or several dozen) works posted. Below is a 12"x16" oil from Dakar, Senegal entitled Fruit Stand and Goat. "I really enjoy working under the difficult and distracting circumstances that come with being in the middle of a crowded event, faced with the multiple challenges of motion, unusual lighting, limited time and interaction with the public. Painting from life adds substance a camera can't record. The result is a painting infused with the energy of the moment, be it the immediacy found on the set of Good Morning America or the cultural signature of a Hot Dog truck." At left is a 12"x16" oil from his Central Park category, entitled Intersection. Robert Beck also has a gallery and academy with instruction available for all levels.

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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