Sedona Award Winners

by Sarah Judson November 05, 2012

Carl Judson had the enjoyable challenge of being a juror for two events during the Sedona Plein Air Festival, first the Main Street Paint Out and a few days later at the Quick Draw event. Congratulations to Dave Santillanes, shown above working on his painting Red Rocks, Purple Flowers, which was awarded First Prize at the Main Street Paint Out. He commented, "It was an honor to be selected for the Main Street paintout award - particularly because you are such an avid and knowledgable artist." Susan Pitcairn received the second place award for her triptych, The Wide View (below). These are her comments: "We had a great time painting on Main Street this afternoon to open the festival. I was inspired last minute to try a triptych in a frame I'd been saving up. Completed it in record time, 'The Wide View', and was thrilled to win second place for it. Thanks to judge, Carl Judson, aka 'The Guerilla Painter'." The two-hour Quick Draw event was held a few days later at the Sedona Heritage Museum. Below is First Prize winner Tom Lynch's watercolor, entitled Light and Pattern, done on watercolor canvas. Second place was awarded to Tracey Frugoli, shown here as she painted earlier in the week in the old mining town of Jerome:

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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