Dominik Modlinski - Adventures in the Arctic

by Sarah Judson December 03, 2008

"Dear team of Judson Art Outfitters,

First of all I would like to congratulate you on well design product. I purchased the 12” x 16” guerrilla box which I use right now for more then three years. I am a professional landscape painter and my travels take me to many isolated and challenging mountain environments. As an artist I experimented endlessly with many plain-air painting setups, which none really satisfied me 100%. Three years ago I traveled on Russian icebreaker “ Kapitan Khelbnikov” to the Canadian far Arctic as a resident artist and a expedition crew member. Since on many occasions time was an issue due to the changing weather, etc. I had to pack my gear in a hurry to be ready for a helicopter or a zodiac pickup coming from the ship. Through careful research I decide the guerrilla box offer me the fastest take down time and most secure both in transport and creating the painting.

Your box proved to be worth every penny on my month long journey to to the Arctic. Several months later I took it down to Antarctica to paint on location in most inhospitable locations on earth. From there I took it up to Patagonia where I had to paint in most windy environment I ever experienced. Again the box served me well and rewarded me with countless paintings. I use it nearly every day, especially during the summer months where I paint in the Yukon and Alaskan wilderness.
I am providing you with some of the images from the Arctic , Antarctica and Patagonia of the box on location. Once again thank you again for a great product, I always highly recommend your company to other artists. Sincerely yours, Dominik Modlinski"

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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