Jayson Yeoh

by Sarah Judson October 04, 2018

Jayson Yeoh

We regularly donate prizes for various events, but it isn't often that someone from Malaysia redeems one of our gift certificates.

Three years ago, Jayson Yeoh received one of our awards at the Missouri Watercolor Society's International Exhibition (see attached image), and when we saw an article about him in the current Plein Air Magazine, we were pleased to see how he has gone from strength to strength.

In fact, he has been winning awards for many years and continues to do so all over the world...Pakistan, Europe and the US as well as in Asia.

" I love utilising the elements of duality... the wet on wet method, colour rendering and dry brush method to enable my works to exude numerous visual effects – from softness yet hard, clear and vibrant but yet blurry, bright but yet dark, static but yet active, realistic but yet abstract looking."

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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