Lorenzo Chavez - Advanced Landscape Composition
by Sarah Judson
February 04, 2013

Award-winning artist
Lorenzo Chavez is offering his first advanced workshop focusing on understanding and strengthening compositions for landscape paintings on March 8-10. The three-day weekend workshop, limited to ten students, is for dedicated landscape painters. Hosted by the
Atelier at Castle Rock near Denver, the workshop will include demonstrations, presentations on masters of the past and exercises to simplify compositions to produce more compelling images.
"I strive to represent landscapes that have a timeless appeal to them. I want the emotion I feel to come through in the surface textures of the art. The colors, textures and light of the western landscape inspire and guide my work. It is the simple glimpses into nature that move me to create. Wallace Stegner said it in brevity of words, 'A few cottonwoods, the gurgle of water in a creek or ditch, can have as profound effect on me as the grandest view.'"
Chavez works in both oil and pastel. He will be leading eight other workshops this year, in Washington, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. You can view the complete list
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Sarah Judson