Ellen Hopkins Fountain

by Sarah Judson March 20, 2012

New York artist Ellen Hopkins Fountain uses watercolor, sometimes in large horizontal formats (up to 11"x41")  to invoke the essence of a landscape.  After graduating from Carnegie Mellon University, she began her career as a scenic artist in film, TV and theater in venues ranging from The Santa Fe Opera to Sesame Street. She is attracted to the shapes and color relationships along the part of the Hudson River near her home. The tidal river is bordered on one side by the Palisades - vertical cliffs of stone and vegetation that bound the river for nearly 20 miles. “Time and weather conspire to ensure ever-changing light on these views, creating a different landscape every day.  I use color to evoke a sense of time and place. Although I often use the Palisades and Hudson River as subject matter, I am more interested in expressing a mood rather than describing a particular place.” The dramatic paintings shown here are15"x11"(top and bottom) and 9"x36" (center).

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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