Marc Dalessio

by Sarah Judson January 29, 2012

Congratulations go out to Marc Dalessio, who was the winner of the Judsons Art Outfitters $200 Gift Certificate in PleinAir Magazine's bi-monthly Salon competition. The winning painting, shown here, is entitled "Barn at Turbach (Switzerland)". Marc grew up in Los Angeles and the Fiji Islands, where his father was a regional director of the Peace Corps. He studied both art and biology at the University of California at Santa Cruz. While spending his senior year abroad, he discovered Charles Cecil Studios in Florence, Italy. After graduating Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California, he returned to Italy to earn degrees in printmaking and portraiture. He taught painting for many years at the Florence Academy of Art and also traveled widely to paint exotic landscapes. Locations have included Greece and Albania, Morocco, Rajasthan, Sicily, Kenya, the Caribbean and Myanmar. He is currently traveling in Croatia. Shown below is a 14"x10" sketch of the cathedral and marketplace of Zagreb. His website includes many resources, including instructional videos, the Studio Handbook from Charles Cecil Studios, and his interview with Larry Groff who writes the informative blog Painting Perceptions.

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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