Randall Sexton

by Sarah Judson November 14, 2011

Plein air painter Randall Sexton is an award-winning artist (he won three "artist choice" awards just this year) who also offers numerous workshops and teaches at Pixar University, the in-house educational program for Pixar employees. He has also written an article, which includes a demo, for Plein Air Magazine. He is a member of "The Outsiders" California Art Club, the Baywood Artists Group, the Northern California Painters Group and the Laguna Plein Air Painters Association. "Each painting is a simple sentence in an ongoing story that will take a lifetime to unfold. The tale is a compilation of images that reflect the magic of life itself and the mysteries of light, color, and shape as I respond to the world around me. Painting has enabled me to be more observant and appreciative of the beauty and richness in everyday life."

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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