Joli Beal

by Sarah Judson July 21, 2014

beal y-camp-kauai California painter Joli Beal has been participating in invitational plein air events and winning awards for several years. Her website mentions more than twenty events and society memberships. beal san-clemente-pier Shown here are an 8"x10" entitled Y Camp Kauai (top) and San Clemente Pier, 14"x11" (left). In addition to graduating from UC Irvine and the San Diego Design Institute, she has studied with many prominent artists. She can often be found on rocky cliffs by the sea or deep in the back country of the Sierra Nevada’s or the Anza Borrego Desert. beal made-it-to-the-top-torrey-pines

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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