Antrese Wood

by Sarah Judson June 04, 2014

antrese train station Argentina is a vast land, from the Andes mountains in the west, to subtropical Buenos Aires on the coast, to glaciers at the southern end of the continent. American artist Antrese Wood has taken on the project of traveling the country with her Argentinian husband and painting it all from life. antrese hermanosIn addition to her website, she has a blog, a Facebook page and a vimeo account. She paints portraits of the people along the way as well as cityscapes and landscapes, using watercolor, gouache and oils. antrese horse "This is a true cultural portrait of Argentina. In the two years that I have lived here, I’ve noticed a deep sense of resignation in people ‘ asi es la vida’ (‘that’s life’), a feeling that ‘it is what it is’ and you just accept it. There is also another side that refuses to give up. A side that makes something beautiful out of nothing. A fierce pride and a antrese calledetermination to incite change, to be the best. This duality fascinates me."

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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