Barbara Churchley

by Sarah Judson September 25, 2011

Award-winning painter Barbara Churchley lives in Colorado, where she has climbed to the summit of all 53 "fourteeners" (mountain peaks over 14,000 feet high). She was juried into the 2011 Colorado Pastel Society Mile High International Exhibition this summer. Shown here is one of her pastels, A Blue Sky Day (12"x6"). She was also juried into the prestigious 12th annual American Impressionist Society National Exhibition which will be on view from October 15-November 15 at Mountainsong Galleries in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California. She serves as the workshop co-ordinator for the Society. On the right is her oil painting entitled The Gift (12"x9") from the American Impressionist Society show at Saks Gallery in Denver in 2009.

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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